Traditional house with a gabled roof, large porch, and well-maintained lawn; surrounded by trees.

Who We Are

To reduce energy costs, focus on using energy efficiently in your home. GreenWorks Systems helps enhance energy efficiency, cut expenses, and maintain good indoor air quality for your family.

GreenWorks Systems is a locally owned and operated company in Maryland that strives to make homes more efficient. We offer residential energy audits, energy efficient home upgrades, and new construction testing. We focus on improving the house as a whole to achieve the comfort and performance our clients deserve.

GreenWorks provides unique services in audits not found elsewhere. With over 20 years of experience in home-related fields, our team delivers professional energy efficiency services.

Two houses side by side, one under construction covered in Tyvek wrap, and the other fully completed with siding, situated along a gravel driveway. The sky is overcast.

Meet the Team

  • Ryan Wooden


  • Donna Nolan


  • JT Levendusky

    BPI # 505502

  • Diego Lovato

    BPI #5065743


9120 Belair Rd
Nottingham, MD 21236

Business Hours
Monday — Friday
7:30am — 4pm

Service Areas
Customers of BGE, Pepco and Delmarva in Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore, Calvert, Carroll, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, and Prince George’s counties.